How to find the courage to start, even if you feel like you're starting with nothing.

How to find the courage to start, even if you feel like you're starting with nothing.

Video Content

In this video, I discuss my method for overcoming fear and how to find the courage to start.

It is scary to take a leap of faith and start anything whether it is a business, a vlog or a YouTube Channel.

In this video, I discuss my way to overcome fear and how to find the courage to start. I explain why I was fearful of launching my own vlog, and all of the positives and negatives to taking a leap of faith. If you feel yourself holding back from pursuing your dreams, and need some motivation, this video was created for you.

Success isn't easy and it doesn't happen overnight, but I believe we all are capable of building something truly impactful. Being successful is relative, and even if you taking action only leads to one other person's life being impacted, wouldn't we say that was worth it? Who knows what it may lead them to go do; maybe build a business, travel the world, or invent the new revolutionary product.

It starts with you starting.